Environmental inequalities

Pricing Protection -- Credit Scores, Disaster Risk, and Home Insurance Affordability

Credit scores matter more than disaster risk for insurance pricing

Unpriced climate risk and the potential consequences of overvaluation in US housing markets

Climate change impacts threaten the stability of the US housing market. In response to growing concerns that increasing costs of flooding are not fully captured in property values, we quantify the magnitude of unpriced flood risk in the housing …

Exposures and behavioural responses to wildfire smoke

Pollution from wildfires constitutes a growing source of poor air quality globally. To protect health, governments largely rely on citizens to limit their own wildfire smoke exposures, but the effectiveness of this strategy is hard to observe. Using …

Flood Risk Mapping and the Distributional Impacts of Climate Information

This paper investigates the impacts of new information and of information access costs on the demand for disaster insurance.

Housing Assistance, Neighborhood Quality, and Source of Income Discrimination (with John Voorheis)

We estimate the dynamic impacts of Housing Choice Vouchers and Source of Income Protection laws on the residential outcomes of tenants.

Social distancing responses to COVID-19 emergency declarations strongly differentiated by income

We highlight mobility inequalities during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.